Repair problem skin

Problem skin can affect your confidence, and you may not want to leave the house without applying make-up. Don’t worry there are ways to get your glow back and have you feeling fresh and confident and allow you to bare your natural complexion! We’ve put together some tips on dealing with common skin issues.


Dry flaky skin

When your skin doesn’t get enough moisture it becomes dry, dull and flaky… not ideal! However this is one of the easiest problems to fix with the right products. Sometimes our lifestyle factors can pay a big part in drying our skin. If you work in an office with constant air conditioning you may find that your skin is more prone to dryness especially in the cooler months. Try a moisturising spray that you can use throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated. 

Our C4 Coconut Milk Hydrating and Nourishing Face Masks will restore the moisture back in your skin. Use this mask once a week with a good skincare regime and you will start noticing the difference! The natural fatty acids in coconut milk help treat dry and irritated skin and remove harmful bacteria which is a bonus!


Redness and pigmentation

Redness and pigmentation is especially visible to those with fair skin. Redness is often caused by irritated skin, so make sure you are using products that have a calming effect like lavender and coconut milk. Stay away from harsh facial scrubs as they will only irritate your skin more! 

Our C1 whitening, pigment toning & moisturising face mask is perfect to reduce the visibility of pigmentation. Pigmentation can be caused from a number of factors like pregnancy, hormones, and sun exposure. Using the C1 mask once a week will visibly reduce skin pigmentation. The masks contain Vitamin C which aids in inhibiting the production of melanin effectively brightening the skin.


Acne and breakouts

Breakouts and pimples often occur at the worst times like when you have a big event coming up! They are often caused by hormones, stress and bacteria. The number one worst thing you can do is squeeze your pimples! Doing this spreads bacteria back into the opening of the zit creating an even bigger infection and more noticeable red spot. The best thing you can do is not wear heavy makeup to let your skin free from chemicals to allow it to naturally heal. By having a thorough skin care routine including cleansing, toning and moisturising will help get your skin back on track.


The post Repair problem skin first appeared on Lonvitalite.